What Does This Mean for the Kids?

 What does this mean for the kids? 

According to a study of 55,000 participants done by the Harvard School of Public Health:   
  • An estimated 930 million children under age 15 are being raised in households where all of the adults work.     
  • 36 percent of the families interviewed had left a young child home alone. Thirty-nine percent had left a sick child home alone or had to send a sick child to school or day care. Twenty-seven percent had left a child in the care of a paid or unpaid child.     
  • In 66 percent of the families where parents had to leave children home alone or with an unpaid child, the children suffered accidents or other emergencies.     
  • In 35 percent of the same cases, the children had suffered from developmental or behavioral problems.    
  • Fifteen percent of parents who had either flexibility or paid leave for childcaring had to leave children home alone sick, compared to 29 percent of parents who had neither aid leave nor flexibility.      
Having parents who both work full time jobs can have many negative affects on children. They experience decreased adult supervision, lack of family time, and separation from their parents. Although employment is necessary in many situations, it can have negative consequences. It has been shown that the lack of adult supervision provides children with a higher risk of engaging in delinquent activity. Also, in a study done to measure the educational achievement of children, we find that a mother's employment has negative direct effects on the I.Q. of her children.